Web Tracks
    Help and Documentation
 Getting Started
    Getting Started with Web Tracks
    System Requirements
    Application Settings
    Configure Email Settings
    Customizing Fields & Forms
    Backup & Restore
    License & Registration
    Dashboard Controls
    Database Maintenance
    Importing Users
    Manage Attachments
    Permissions & Access Levels
    Upsizing to SQL Server
    Working with Users
 General Information
    Compare Web Tracks Editions 
    Navigating Web Tracks
    Working with Graphs
    Working with Reports
    Working with File Attachments
    Asset Tags and Web Tracks
    Auditing Computers
    Working with Computers
    Working with Documentation
    Working with Peripherals
    Working with Software Assets
 Windows Applications
    Web Tracks Audit
    Web Tracks Windows Service
    Web Tracks Report Designer
    Working with Purchase Orders
 Service Desk
    Working with Service Desk Tickets
    Working with the Knowledge Base
    Email-to-Ticket Conversion
 Trouble Shooting
    Errors when Auditing

  Web Tracks Help 

Welcome to the Web Tracks online help system. Browse through the help pages by clicking on the icons below or selecting pages in the table of contents to the left. To quickly find specific product information, enter search criteria in the search box above and click the search button.
If you're unable to find what you're looking for in this help system, try these alternative resources:
or contact support:

Email: support at Gritware.com
Phone: (616) 735-9833

Help Version 9.1.0