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Asset Tags and Web Tracks

Web Tracks uses a Tag number as the key field for many of the asset tables within the program.  The reason for this is to ensure that duplicate entries are not made in the database.

It is good practice to 'tag' your equipment with a unique identifier. Nothing fancy is required for assets tags. You can simply print unique numbers on computer labels.  If you want a more durable/professional looking identifier you can also have your asset tags professionally made. 

When you use Web Tracks Audit to collect your computer inventory, it tries to determine the computers asset tag.  If it is not configured for the computer it sets the 'Tag' field equal to the Computer's Name.  Once the audit is recorded in your database you should modify the computer record and set the 'Tag' field to the Asset Tag number of the Computer. Tag numbers in Web Tracks can be up to 15 characters long.

Tagging Equipment with Inventory Tags
(Step-by-step Instructions)

  1. Locate equipment to be tracked
  2. Apply asset tag to computer or peripheral
  3. Record asset information int the Web Tracks computer or peripheral form

When tagging software assets you should apply the tag number to the CD case or license agreement. Do not tag CD-ROM/DVD media as it may throw off the balance of the media.

When tagging the peripherals and computers, it is a good idea to be consistent.  Choose a location that is easily visible. This will make it easier in the future to refer to these tag numbers. It is also a good idea to clean and dry the location where you will be applying the asset tag.


Consider using a numbering scheme to identify types of assets (e.g, use 1000-1999 for computers, 2000-2999 for peripherals, 3000-3999 for software assets, etc...)